Cleaning Services
Helping you to maintain your independence and keep your home sparkling fresh.
Providing you with the convenience our own equipment and products : our team will provide in home interior domestic support that is reliable and efficient with tasks consistently completed to our high standards.
Our regular cleaning services include:
Floors: Vacuuming and mopping
Dusting: Furniture, skirting boards and window sills
Bathrooms: Shower recess, bathtub, vanity and basin, toilet
Kitchen: Benchtops, cabinetry fronts, splash back, stove tops
Laundering: changing bed linen, laundering clothes and linen (in client home)
Spring cleaning by special arrangement:
Interior fridge cleans
Interior micowave clean
Oven clean
Interior windows and tracks
Dusting ceiling fans
Wiping walls
Cleaning blinds (*conditions apply)
We strive to provide high standard personalised service; tailoring supports to meet individual needs.
If there is a service that is not listed above, we would be happy to discuss this.
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